Letters From the Owners

A Letter from Amber, 

Our first 3 weeks:  
In our first 3 weeks of business, we have made small bumps in progress and to any small business those are leaps and bounds.  
Week one: Launch/Sales 

The launch of our business felt surreal. In all the preparation, the constant merchandise prepping and testing, and the paperwork, it felt like that day would never come.  
On the first day we sent out photos to all our social media accounts and received great feedback! Along with our social media updates, our website officially went live.   
In our first week of opening, we sent out photos to all our social media accounts and received great feedback! Along with our social media updates, our website officially went live. An old friend/mentor hopped on the ride and bought a candle completely out of good faith. Our Indian Summer was the first scent to not only be bought off of our website but also to be shipped out of state!  

Week two and three:  
We also had an in-person sale that weekend from a lovely friend of ours that has supported us through this journey from start to finish. From then on, we had a few more in-person sales that went over fairly well. Of course, we had our bumps in the road just like any small business starting out. A mixed-up scent here, and a misspelled word on our first invoice., but thankfully nothing too major. After fixing our little issues we had happy customers and good feedback all the way around.  
We are extremely excited to see what this upcoming summer holds! Our next blog will describe our plans for the summer and into fall!  

 A Letter from Amber,  

As the weeks have flown past, summer is nearing! And with summer comes opportunity to become vendors at local fairs. It’s a very exciting time, sense we don’t currently own a set location for our candle business the local fairs here in Wisconsin is the next best thing! 
One of the more memorable flea markets we will be hitting up is 7 Mile Fair located in Caldonia, Wisconsin. This is our states largest flea market with all sorts of vendors and lots of different people from all different walks of life. We are so pumped to go down and enjoy getting some interactions with customers and see new faces.  
Of course, as our time to join fairs draws near, we realized that not very many people carry cash on them like back in the day. To accommodate this, we had to get some sort of card reader. We did all the research we could into what the best options would be for such a device. It took roughly 2 weeks to decide before we settled on the Square Terminal. It is portable and works well with our needs because it can print out receipts for our clients as needed even for cash purchases! This was a big buy for us but we knew it was essential to get our business farther.  
Also, with exciting news we got an offer to help cater to our very first wedding! This was an extremely exciting thing for us and another first of hopefully many really exciting things to come! 
Much Love!